Vision & Mission

Iqra Minority Welfare Society which was set up to look after the welfare of the minorities of the area could not close its eyes on the educational backwardness of its target communities. It knew that the children from minority group, especially in the rural areas around Azamgarh are widely deprived of education and educational facilities, hence their decision to establish Iqra Public School

Iqra Public School, fondly known as IPS aims to:

1.Provide modern basic and higher education to its pupils from all castes and creeds in line with the tenets of Islam and impart education in URDU, Arabic and theology. Medium of instruction being English:

2. Help its pupils to utilize their God-given capabilities to the full and through expert guidance of their tutors achieve the best possible result;

3. inculcate in its pupils the virtues of truth, honesty and self respect and thus grace their live with the skill beneficial to themselves, their community and the country.

4. Make its pupils responsible, patriotic and law abiding citizen;

5. Prepare its pupils to meet the challenges of practical life with confidence and resolve after finishing their education so that they achieve what they set their eyes upon by way of their professional and calling and;

6. Make its pupils useful citizens shaping the future for themselves, their families and the community at large.