Academic System

The academic curriculums for the students are based on syllabi laid down by the reputed universally acceptable Central Board of Secondary School (CBSE) New Delhi. Over the years the school has established a sound reputation as a provider of quality education and is recognized amongst the prestigious school of the district.

IPS offers following subject at Secondary level.

Hindi Course a (002) / Urdu (003)
Science with Practical (086)
English Communicative (101)
Social Science (087)
Mathematics (041)

At junior level

Hindi, Mathematics, English, Science, Social Science, Urdu and Theology, Computer.

At Primary level

Hindi, Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies, Urdu and Theology, Art.


All the students are required to maintain 75% of attendance to appear in the examination.

A relaxation of maximum 10% (purely on medical ground) may be given to student in accordance with the school ruled and regulation or the concerned authority. The request for such relaxation must be sent to the principal within a week along with medical certificate.

Fee Detail :-

Fee details are attached with the prospectus.
All the fees should be deposited in due time.
Tuition fee will be charged for a month.
Fees are to be paid monthly in cash, cheque or D.D. only.
Fee once paid will not be refund in any case.
Fee should be paid up to 8th each of month after that a late fine will be charged for that month.
No student will be allowed to appear in the examination, if he / she have not cleared all dues.
Examination fee will be charged at the time of Admission.